A guide for newlyweds: How to get over the post-wedding blues
Your wedding day is supposed to be the start of the rest of your life as a married couple. A new beginning. So why do you feel so down and empty after your wedding?
If you look back at the last 12 months – or possibly even longer – it’s likely that planning your wedding took up a LOT of your time and energy. So it’s not a surprise you’re left feeling a bit deflated and without a focus. It’s similar to that depressed feeling you get with post-holiday blues…and what’s the best way to get over those? Book another one usually! Now, I’m not suggesting you start planning another wedding (whether that’s to your new husband or wife or someone else!) But the principle is the same; you need to create a new focus, to fill the gap that is left now you have no table plans to peruse over or invitations to organise.
So what could that be? Here’s a few ideas to help you get over the post-wedding blues…
1. Book a honeymoon
You might have already planned this alongside your wedding, but if not, then now is definitely the time to fill your boots with planning a romantic getaway with your other half. There’s nothing beats the blues more than a trip away and a chance to create more life memories. If you’re not able to take a honeymoon right now, then how about a mini-moon. Even a few days away can help to lift your mood.

2. Compile a Bucket List
Sit down together with a nice chilled bottle of wine (or a takeaway) and plan a Bucket list of experiences you want to share as a couple. That could be as indulgent as travelling to a long haul destination, or as simple as trying a new activity or heading to that exclusive restaurant in town. This will help you to start looking forward and creating excitement about the future rather than dwelling what has already been and gone.

3. Create your wedding album
Receiving your photos from your wedding photographer is the perfect remedy for firing up those happy endorphins. Looking back at all the special moments that have been captured will reignite the joyous feelings you felt at the time and never want to let go of. Which is why striking whilst the iron is hot and creating your wedding album is the ideal project. A wedding album is one of the most beautiful ways to immortalise your wedding memories. Not only is it a tangible experience…there really isn’t a digital alternative to holding an album in your hands and turning the beautiful pages…a well designed wedding album creates a visual story with your photos bringing your most precious moments and memories to life so you can relive them time and time again. It’s the perfect remedy to cheer yourself up when you feel the blues hitting again.

How do I create a wedding album? Should I hire a professional?
There are two options to create your wedding album. Do it yourself or hire a professional wedding album designer. Whilst it might seem a good idea to save money by doing it yourself, hiring a professional is 100% a worthy investment. Here’s why…
We know the wedding album market and will have selected the perfect suppliers – most of which only do business with professional photographers and designers – so you know you are getting a high-quality wedding album that comes with a lifetime guarantee if looked after well. There are plenty of really good DIY photo book companies out there but they just don’t have the added quality and elegance of professional wedding albums.

Laying out your photos into a format that not only looks stunning but tells the story of your day is a lot harder than it might look! Most DIY photo books come with software and templates but that means it can be like fitting a square peg into a round hole. A professional album designer knows just how to use your photos in the best way possible. When I design your album, I start on a blank canvas so we can fit the layout to suit your photos, rather than the other way round, and I carefully choose which photos to showcase so the album focuses on the most important memories and moments.

It saves you a lot of time and stress! It’s very likely that planning your wedding took up a huge chunk of your time and probably also gave you some sleepless nights. So, now it’s all over, it’s a good time to get some self-care time back or pick up on some hobbies you had to drop when the wedding took over your life! You can still feel involved in the process by choosing the final wedding album photos and selecting your absolute favourites. I also involve couples I’m working with by supplying them with a choice of layouts for each album spread and there is plenty of opportunity to change things around once you’ve received the first draft. Alternatively, you can sit back and let someone else do all the work!

Top Tip!
Sifting through several hundred (if not into the thousands!) of your wedding photos to whittle it down to around 120 can be pretty daunting. So have a read of this guide to help you choose your wedding album photos.

Check out my range of stunning high-quality wedding albums and layout designs

The last word
While the post-wedding blues may linger around for a while, just remember that it’s just a temporary phase. Embrace the memories of your wedding day and look forward to the exciting adventures that lie ahead. Your love story is just beginning, and the best is yet to come!
Ready to create your bespoke wedding album; the perfect mood lifter for those post wedding blues? Then do get in touch or drop me an email and we can get the ball rolling!
Gill x
Owner | Album Designer