Ayse & Ervine's Wedding Albums

Ayse and Ervine’s multicultural wedding celebrations consisted of two different wedding ceremonies so it was only fitting that they had two wedding albums to mark the separate occasions! They decided to keep to the same type and size of album (Dreambooks Signature Album with Velvet covers) but to honour the differences in the ceremonies, they chose different cover colours and layout styles. As their Civil ceremony was a traditional white wedding affair, they chose the classic Light Grey Velvet and a Fresh design style; whilst their vibrant and colourful Hindu Ceremony was showcased with a beautifully bright Red Velvet Cover and Flaunty design style. Even though their album styles were different we ensured there was consistency across the two by using the same font and text style throughout. Not only did they have two main albums, they also ordered two downscale copies for each album!

Album: 14×14 inch Dreambooks Signature Albums with Grey and Red Velvet Covers and Laser Etching text on the covers
No. of Spreads: 25

Here’s some of my favourite album spreads:

I just love the details and contrasting shades in this spread of Ayse pre Hindu Ceremony. The simple background image worked well alongside the close up of the beautiful and vibrant bouquet (which deserved to be blown up to full size!) and the various portrait shots were different enough to work well together in the foreground.

The fire was a perfect backdrop to this ceremony shot. There was a lot of detail going on in the photos which I didn’t want to get lost on the spread, so keeping to a clean and uniform layout and utilising clean space ensured they stood out and didn’t distract from each other.

Following on from the last spread, there is so much detail and vibrant colour in these images, a clean and uniform look was needed whilst still showcasing the Flaunty style Ayse and Ervine wanted for this album. I just love how well the large showcase image works alongside the four smaller images.

These three photos worked perfectly well together in the Flaunty style to really fill the page and showcase the location and details of Ayse & Ervine’s stunning outfits!

The colours on that cake!! If space allows, and you can dedicate a whole spread to the cake cutting, then a showstopping centrepiece shot of the cake in all it’s glory always looks amazing and this is a great example. A mix of couple and close up detail shots work well together.

I just love how different the two wedding ceremonies were. The Civil wedding was a traditional classic white wedding affair which perfectly suited the clean Fresh design style. Whilst it can make sense to keep consistency between two albums, in this case featuring completely different design styles worked perfectly to suit the constrasting elements of each day. These two photos of Ayse on her way to the ceremony were a perfect pairing and to showcase them, I gave them a spread of their own.

Ayse & Ervine wanted to include the wording for a poem that had been written and read by one of their bridesmaids. I wanted to make sure that it didn’t get lost amongst the photos and look too cluttered, so I created a fairly uniform layout with several smaller images and lots of white space around the text. It also separates the photos of the readings with the exchanging of rings and the first kiss!

The big group shot! There is so much going on in this photo and so many guests that it can only be showcased on it’s own filling the page, otherwise you’d need to get the magnifying glass out!

Chilled out canapes and guests chatting on the lawn! There’s a lot going on this part of the wedding day, so a montage featuring various different guests and elements of the drinks reception helps captures this perfectly. I used different sized photos to make sure each individual image doesn’t blend into the others and makes it look interesting as a whole too!

A simple and clean flowing layout of the newlyweds. The key to these spreads is to include images taken in the same or similar location with various poses and angles – the last thing you want is four very samey photos!